Lise zoekt een Kamer / Studio / Appartement in Rotterdam

Lise zoekt: Een Kamer / Studio / Appartement in Rotterdam

  • Kamer / Studio / Appartement
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 10 Per direct

Hello !
I'm desperately looking for a home next year ! I'll be studying at Codarts circus art department, in first year.
I've been leaving on my own for two years now (both alone and with roommates), but my parents are still the one paying my bills (so don't woory, you'll have your money !).
Please, if you have any offer (under 600€/month bills included), contact me !
Kind regards,

Algemene informatie: Lise
  Vrouw, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Bachelor circus art (codarts) (HBO)